Enterprise business

We offer our competences in the IP, Datacenter and security environment for the telco as well as for the enterprise segment. Our commitment covers the entire spectrum from end-to-end products and solutions to classic managed services based on time and material.

In addition, SPIE Network Services offers products and solutions that have been developed and adapted for the enterprise market. With these we address both large corporations and SME customers.

In this context we mention:

Energie Management System (EMS) / Smart Monitoring

SPIE Network Services’s Energy Management System (ENMS) ensures reliable recording, consolidation, visualisation and evaluation of all energy-related values in data centres.

The system offers the user clear monitoring, systematic analysis and business intelligence. For this purpose, all relevant energy values and KPIs are recorded independently of the manufacturer, both at micro and macro level.

The determined values are evaluated within a few seconds and can be displayed almost in real time on all conventional web browsers and devices. The graphical user interfaces can be designed according to customer requirements and are comfortable and intuitive to use.

Our energy management solution includes the following MODULES:


CYCLE is a solution that is customised based on the processes in the client’s organisation. We focus on the customer’s requirements and not on the product.
By relying on scalable and flexible models, CYCLE digitises clients’ processes, using modular processes to provide permanent transparency to all stakeholders. This enables decisions to be made quickly and based on facts, and escalation paths to be kept short if necessary.

Our solution includes the following modules:

We would be happy to present our enterprise business solutions to you in a live demo.
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